HATEOAS as if You Meant It
Lately I have been considering employing Web Components in my ever-upcoming hobby project. The missing piece I haven’t found in modern web app frameworks is UI based on application state (think REST). Typically the UI displayed to the use is tied to the route - or address, which is potentially brittle and not ideal for a truly hypermedia-driven application.
I have already written about Hypermedia-driven applications with RDF backend. There I explained what is REST and how it fits the Semantic Web. This time I’ll delve into effectively managing client state using resource representations.
Haters gonna HATEOAS
FYI I pronounce HATOAS as hideous
REST has become a de-facto standard for many web services out there. Actual understanding varies but the general community has long ago recognized its elegance in building services. At the same however there has been too little adoption of what many find the crucial bit - Hypermedia. The idea is strikingly simple: whatever the server returns is enough for clients to perform all subsequent requests.
But lets ignore that fact for now and assume we built a perfect, holy grail
HATEAOS server and now need a client. In JavaScript, so that we’re trendy
Managing application state
Modern JavaScript frameworks typically manage their UI state with routing, which means that each application state is bound to a specific path. It works this way in every major contender.
1 2 3 |
1 2 3 4 |
1 2 3 4 |
The list could go on and include Backbone, Durandal, Knockout routers and standalone solutions.
This approach doesn’t work very well with a truly hypermedia-driven API where the state of an application is determined by the server’s response. The problem is that the flow is reversed. With routing client-side navigation works like this:
- User clicks a link
- A route is matched to the path
- Client performs a request to the server
- Server returns a resource
- Route’s view is rendered
There is more than one issue here. Managing the route paths is unnecessary burden. And what if the server returns something we didn’t expect? Not to mention that parametrized routes are effectively holding developers back from building real, self-descriptive back ends by introducing out-of-band information. After all the REST paradigm states that the resource is the one and only place where clients get information necessary to perform requests. Path on the client is not.
We are inadvertedly falling back to inferior design and the real “gain” is usually increased maintenance.
HATEOAS as if you meant it
To my surprise and despair I haven’t found a real solution for resource-based navigation. With Hypermedia-driven APIs the resource is king - as per the R in REST. As described by Ruben Verborgh in his post:
Application state is information about where you are in the interaction. Changes to this state are possible by the controls in hypermedia representations.
Here’s how I see the process of changing the application state.
- User clicks a link/posts a form/etc.
- The client performs a request to the server
- Server returns a resource
- Application state is changed (or not)
There a some very important implications of such approach. There is no notion of a route or path. At least it is not necessary for the client-server interaction. This means however that the requested address must be included in the hyperlink or form.
Is it possible now? To some extent yes! Every hypermedia-aspiring media type, which includes links and operation definitions, like Hydra but also even HAL and SIREN and others, empower to developers to build clients actually driven by that hypermedia. At least to some extent. Yet we still don’t!
Linked Data to the rescue
In my eyes the root of the problem is refusal of using URIs as identifiers. I get the impression
that URLs, even in RESTful services, are an afterthought. Or at least a derivative of some other
identifier scheme, like database primary keys or user-supplied values. With such mindset it is
natural that that true identifier would be used as part of a route, say user/:id
only so
that user/10
it is later transformed into the secondary id (URL) like http://example.com/users/10.json
or whatever.
With Linked Data the URI is king. If you accept the fact that your resource is identified by the
address http://example.com/users/10
, there will be little incentive to unnecessarily transform it.
Of course in real-life web application one would prefer http://example.com/app/#!/users/10
over an ugly slug similar to http://example.com/app/#!/http://example.com/users/10
. Still this is not only
browser-specific and originally a solution for handling history in single-page applications but
actually completely optional. A hypermedia-driven web app can happily work without any routing and
browser history management. Granted it may be unfriendly and not bookmarkable beyond the entry point,
but it will still work.
Further read
In a future post I’ll try to give some concrete examples of how I imagine implementing a browser client driven by a Linked Data API.