This is the second post in a series about REST, where I intend to debunk some commonly repeated mistakes and bad advice for practitioners of RESTful services. The central, and agreeably most important element of any API, is the resource. On the Web resources are identified and addressed by URLs. REST defines some clear rules about these identifiers, yet we so commonly break them. Let’s see how this happens and what are the consequences.

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I the process of preparing my talk at Boiling Frogs conference in Wrocław I’ve been reading a lot about REST and Hypermedia APIs. Just today I came across two interesting blog posts by Arnaud Lauret aka API handyman, who proposes a Hypermedia API Maturity Model (HAMM). A concept similar to the Richardson Maturity Model, but applicable only to Level 3 REST APIs. I’d like to share my thoughts on some of the proposal.

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html, js

I’ve been looking for a way to create a collection component, in which I would declare the collection item template in the Light DOM and then render that template bound to each item. I’m using Polymer, because it is fun and insanely productive tool for creating Web Components. When I was already close to actually writing my component in pure Web Component API I discovered the Templatizer bevahiour.

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Representational state transfer or REST defines a number of architectural constraints, which when applied allow building software, which is fast, scalable and simply interacted with.

TL;DR; RESTful application works very much like the Internet. A client requests a known resource by its identifier and follows links included in the representations to move to another state. No further information should be required by the client to know except the initial identifier.

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